Friday's appointment w the urologist went well. The doctor discontinued the antibotics under the theory that all bacteria will eventually flush out of Felipe's system and over medicating doesn't really help the situation. Only until he develops a high fever should they start treating the UTI. He got on his soap box about how pediatricians should not catheterize but instead use a fine needle aspiration to pull out urine in order to provide the cleanest possible urine. I guess my facial expression didn't fool him, I was looking at him like "what?! really now you are saying its the pediatrician that took the urine out wrong with catheterizing" I don't know, sometimes the guy rubs me the wrong way. And I know I'm super defense of the pediatrician bc I feel she is super professional, caring and very responsible to her patients. Either way, even assuming that the last infection where he had a fever was a UTI, then getting antibiotics was appropriate. Getting antibiotics for a second time after testing his urine after the antibiotics, despite having no symptoms, was NOT proper procedure. (despite the urologist's nurse requesting a test after the antibiotics was done).
So difficult to manage multiple specialist. They all have their own personalities and all have their own theories of treatment ranging to being most conservative to more risk taking. The urologist is very risk adverse. And yet he is very "laid back" kinda person so to me most of his medical opinions are "lets wait and see". That the advise of "lets wait and see" kinda annoys the hell out of me especially since given the usual trajectory. Felipe suddenly spikes in fever and we end up the hospital with a kidney infection is not something I want to "wait and see". As in life, there are times medicine does not provide any comfort.
Update on the babysitter search, Candidate number #3, I met on Friday afternoon. I really liked her. She is a young nursing student, that is taking some online courses as she can afford them. She is originally from Maryland and has family in NJ and PA. She was sick when she was younger, in her teens. She had something similar to Felipe, involving her spinal cord and spine. Turns out she has the same neurosurgeon as Felipe and knows a lot of individuals, nurses and staff at the same hospital. I found her to be appropriate with Felipe: giving him some time to get used to her, letting him come to her and trying to interact with him w his toys. She also knows how physical therapy works as she had to undergo a lot of it when she was younger. She wants to go into pediatric nursing bc of all that she experienced and wants to be there for other kids. She had answered an ad that I placed in a christian newsletter so it was great to be able to have an open conversation about faith and prayer. I am calling her references this week. I have some reservations in that, I'm not sure if I should continue to look for other babysitters to interview or if I stop looking. I'm hoping to return to work after the mediation session for Early Intervention, after April 14th or so. I will like to have some overlapping time so that she can see the routine that Felipe has with his exercises. I think it would be great if she could document her progress as well through blog entries and other ways that technology can make it feel like I'm not gone from him for so long during the day.
This Saturday, I went to Rejuvenate ministry held at church for parents with kids with special needs. I dropped off Felipe with some sisters from Church and they looked after him while I had 2 hours to myself. It was great. I walked to a local salon, got my hair cut. I am donating about 15-16 inches of hair to locks of love. Its a bit of a shock to have short hair but I also feel at least 2 lb lighter! My hair is heavy. I then walked back to church and before picking up Felipe got an orange juice with a muffin. A muffin I didn't have to share and an orange juice I didn't have to quickly drink in order to prevent Felipe from spilling it. Its just the little things that do help to rejuvenate and help restore some energy for the upcoming week. I'm very grateful for those 2 hours and I hope to continue to build fellowship w the parents that have children with special needs but also the lovely caring women who offer their time to help Felipe and his mom.
Sunday, Herminio and I went to play tennis. Oy, I'm very very rusty. Herminio has the excuse that he is a beginner. I have no excuse, I used to be good at tennis. In fact when i was 7 months pregnant I played a little tennis and had a good volley with one of Herminio's co workers. Now, I'm worse than when I was pregnant! Oh well!
I was able to accomplish some of my to-do list since my mother and aunt came to help watch Felipe as I ran errands.
New added to do's: Call babysitter references; draw up tentative job description and expectation; print out necessary tax forms for babysitter to fill out; contact employer about start date; go to post office; drop off laundry and sign up to the YMCA!!!
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