Friday, 14 March 2014

oh Boo!!!

Doctor called, Felipe has bacteria growth in his urine.  She sent out urine to "grow" the bacteria to determine which type of antibiotic to use.  If I was a betting person, I bet it will be the same bacteria as it has been for the last several UTI, Klepcillia.  The antibiotics we have been using are all effective with the bacteria its just that the infection is pretty strong.  At least that's what I understand it to be.

I'm on fever watch now, walking around with a thermometer at all times and keeping track to see if he gets warm.  With the prior UTI, he's fever spiked in a matter of minutes from normal to 102-105.  So our plan of action is if he develops a fever to call the urologist to get a prescription for antibiotics and a follow up appointment.  If he's fever is out of control, then go to ER at Presbyterian, the Urologist's hospital in case he needs to order further testing.

Going by Felipe's playfulness, he feels just fine!

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