Monday, 24 March 2014

Mediation update...

EI medical director, the person behind the scenes who approves or denies the request for increase in services has contacted the physical therapist and asked her opinion in Felipe's case.  I am thankful that the physical therapist is a great advocate for Felipe's needs and I'm also thankful that my friend in educational litigation had prepared me to hear the various usual responses by the officials.  As expected they would like to increase each session to a full hour, but limiting the sessions to 3 times a week.  So on its face, appearing to have more time but in reality just stretching out the time that the therapist has with him.  This would be a great solution if Felipe wasn't 13 months old.  Even though he is pretty attentive and cooperates with the therapist, asking him to work for an hour is an unrealistic expectation of ANY 13 month old.  They generally have meltdowns after being pushed and is counter productive to an increase in services if he no longer wishes to be pushed for so long.  The therapist voiced this concern as well.  Secondly, he suggested that I should be doing these exercises at home anyway and no need for a physical therapist to do more work.  An insult to the therapist who only spent 12 years of her lift getting a PhD in the treatment of children with neurological disorders to think I as a concerned parent would know the intricate knowledge that goes behind rehabilitating a child.  It constantly amazes me the level of knowledge you really need to have.  I know the thigh muscle is the quad, but I don't know all the ligaments and connectors and how it relates to the level of the spine.  I didn't go to school for that.  There has been days in which I can tell Felipe is in pain or uncomfortable but I don't know why, and I stop.  crying isn't good and I stop, very basic and doesn't yield high results or better results if someone who knows what they are doing, is there feeling how his muscles are moving and how they are reacting to new positions.  He told the physical therapist he will consider what other options are available, but didn't seem convinced as of yet to agree to the increase. Please continue to pray for wisdom  and compassion for all involved, and God willing, we will have an increase of services on April 8th.

I also ask for continued prayers for finding a babysitter.  Its such a hard choice to leave Felipe while he is still recovering (the doctors gave him till 2 years of age).  And yet its hard to remain at home with all the responsibilities piling up.  I've asked for guidance and wisdom and I hope to follow God's path.  I have faith that things can resolve in ways that I have not considered. Thank you friends for your prayers we've been through a lot but have been able to stand up bc of friends, our faith and God's strength.

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