1) Side to Side: Alternating on his back or on this stomach sway him left and right, try to get his hips to react by grabbing him under his arms by his rib cage. Do not let his head go underwater. Observe to see what his hips do, do they adjust to the opposite side?
2) Splashing with legs: hold him from the hips, guide his legs to the surface and encourage him to splash with his legs, moving his legs from his knees (in and out of the water surface)
3) After leaving pool Felipe's legs should be more relaxed, massage muscle area and stretch 10 times before leaving changing room.
Today he had fun splashing with his hands and did have significant movement on his hips/ab area. When I would drag his his torso to his left, he would compensate and turn with his hips to the right. This is all good!
The not so great news is the gym. I don't like the therapist, I don't like the location and right now I'm not seeing the point of the 20 minute drive to get somewhere where the therapist is pretty clueless. I'm going to follow the advice of the PT from HSS, I'm going to start looking for a new service provider and try to find a new therapist and center/gym. I am already displeased with having to accept an orthodox jewish calender which would mean Felipe will not have therapy for 6 days in September bc of all the holydays. I rather they follow the usual school calender and provide a better gym.
So starting monday, call up and figuring out where I can transfer Felipe's case. I don't want to loose an awesome physical therapist but the gym is terrible.
Hopefully I can take a photo soon of Felipe in the pool!
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