Ok, so maybe only 80's babies will get that reference to the anti-drug campaign...but, Felipe is a pincher. And after thinking about our last appointment with the neurologist, I guess he learned it from it happening to him. Usually in order to test him for sensation, they pinch his inner thigh. And now, when Felipe wants to crawl and I have the audacity to change his poopy diaper (his name is Lord Poops-a-lot for a reason), he bites or pinches me. I have bruises all over my forearms and neck. He goes for the weak spots and boy does it hurt.
God grant me patience with all these little pinches bc they hurt!! The biting is also pretty bad. Felipe has gone thru alot and now that he is realizing that he is misunderstood or not understood at all he is very frustrated. I have been told to teach him sign language. I've tried with key words like bottle, water, more and all done. So far, no signs that he gets what I'm trying to say to him. He often sounds like he is on the verge of breaking into a whole conversation. But the reality is, right now he has three words, Mama, DaDa, Bye bye. Sometimes he says "Hi" and he gets exited to see his brother and he might say Ale (Alex seems too complicated, Patrick is even harder) He gestures like he really wants you to follow what he is saying but alas, I don't speak baby, which results in me getting bitten.
Yesterday, he went to bite me bc I had taken away a sharp object from him, he went to bite me and instead bit his own arm. Oh how he cried, and how I tried to suppress my giggling. He was mad at me and at himself. He is such a cutie and usually on his best behavior with friends and family who visit. But when it comes to mami and papi, he is all about biting noses, pinching arms and throwing his back in protest.
here is the little wiggly worm looking cute...
What me?! I am too cute to be a biter! |
Bite mark of Lord Poops-a-lot, 4 teeth right now, 2 on the way, almost fully cut through the gums |
It's cherry's...although he sorta looks like a vampire here. |
Felipe looking cute. |
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