Monday, 24 February 2014

Felipe meets a yoga ball...

Today's physical therapy session we reviewed all the yoga ball exercises that we can do w Felipe.  Initially I was a little worried about his stability on the ball and grimaced at every little lopsided move but he loves it.  And it's a great way to strengthen his muscle tone especially when it comes to his hips. Abuelita Luz has to step out of the room, she can't keep from yelping in fear of seeing him fall. Abuelita Luz brought us her yoga ball and its a perfect height for Felipe.

Yoga ball exercises:
All exercises should be done w hip-helpers so that Felipe can have extra support on his knees and hips (and his foot braces). First stretch each ankle for 2 minutes each to get feet closer to 90 degree angle before putting into foot brace.

1) Bouncy-bouncy:  place Felipe seating on top of ball. Facing Felipe, kneel close enough that he can place his feet on thighs at 90 degree angle. Encourage Felipe to bounce using his muscles to push-off w feet. Repeat 10 times.

2) Push Away: sit on floor w Felipe and have him face the ball. Keeping Felipe seated on your lap, have him push the ball away w his legs. Start at 90 degree and having him straighten his legs.

3) Bone Bounding: place Felipe laying down on ball.  Roll him forward and back, having him land on his feet w a little bump. The 'bump' will help w re-stimulate and remind him of this nerve connections with lower parts of his leg.

4) Wheel barrow: same as before but with felipe laying on the ball

....that's all for now.  will practice with him soon.

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