Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Fever free!!

Free of fever for 20 hours. Urologist wants no fever for 48, so we keep on waiting. We are isolated from rest of patience bc of uti. I dont know why its cause for isolation but not really minding it. Ive beeen told to stretch his feet every 30 mins. Ortho will be by again to see his feet. While he is inpatient might as well try to get seen by doc regarding his muscle contraction. As the PT from early intervention had explained they have a couple of options. They can cast his feet. Put him in a little cast, making sure his foot is at a certain angle. They cut the cast after 2 weeks an then position the foot again in an angle closer to 90 degrees. It will probably take 3-4 casting. Or 6-8 weeks. The other alternative is to inject botox into the muscle that is extra tight and once relaxed keep up w intensive physical therapy. And lastly, surgery, cut the muscle that is contracted and let it heal in normal position. I of course am done w surgeries and hoapital stays so i will be massaging and atretching bery 30 mins in the hopea that surgery isnt necessary.

Todays specialist: nuero, ortho, and physical therapist. Infectipus deseases determined the bacteria and have changed the antibotic once more. Felipe is doing well.

Goal for today, have felipe stretch every 30 mins, have felipe eat twice today solid food, do standing exercises once. Its hard to manuever is small space and hospital floors arent crawl friendly. Abuelita Luz elsa brought felipe a mat to crawl on, very helpful!!

Felipe's great uncle Santos visited us with his pastor. They prayed for us and entertained felipe for a wwhile.

Felipe is sleeping in today, what a relief. He went to sleep at 1:30. Hoping he gets a good 9 hours so he isnt cranky. Here's hoping the doctora rousing and the nursing shift change doeant wake him up!

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