Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Successful Surgery!!

We arrived to the hospital at 7:30am.  We were seen immediately and we changed him into little baby gown.  Surprising they are the most uncomfi gowns ever, not soft at all and very akward.  I walked Felipe over to the operating room. Where they had a team waiting for him.  They put a little gas mask over his face and he was out in a few minutes.  Since this approximately the 5 time they do this type of sedation, I knew what to expect and Felipe also was more resistful.  But went well.

At 12 we got an update that all is going well. And by 1ish the doctor came to the waiting room and explained the surgery.  He was able to enter into thru his side, so there is less trauma to the area.  He was able to fix the obstruction by removing a piece and reconnecting it with a stent.  The stent acts like a straw, keeping the tube from closing over.  There is a drain to make sure that any blood or urine leaks out of the body. And he has a cather in place. 

So as of 1ish, if he has a lot leaking out of the drain, we will go home with the drain and have it removed in his office a few weeks later.  Same with the cather.  I am praying that he will be able to go home with no cather and no drain. 

Doc warned us that usually kids will spike a fever after surgery.  AS of 9pm, he has a fever of 101.  He was given tynenol and is back to sleep.  Overall his pain has been managed well.  But his hunger has not! lol.  He wanted to eat, his stomach was grumbling.  The nurses thought it was a pain cry, and cute little felipe j ust wants to eat!!  He has been cleared to drink formula starting now.  As soon as he wakes up, a nice chill bottle will be waiting for him.

So, tommorow, we'll get final word as to how we get discharged, with cather and drain or without it.  Pls pray for us.  We also will need to get a clearance form for Early intervention.  He will be partially cleared.  He can do any leg exercises but he can't rotate his trunk.

they definately expect to let him go tommorow.  What a difference in level of urgency and care in ICU v regular hospital floor.  we have to share a room w 3 other people.  kids ranging in ages thru months. I rather be home as well.  I'm hoping that there are no issues with neighbors to come home. Plus felipe's older sister is in town, I know he can't wait to see her.

ok...till next update, thank you for your prayers.

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