12/5: Felipe dressed up for his physical therapy, ready in his track suit. His Abuelita Luz Elsa bought it for him. Cool points for showing up all decked out, no?! He was very engaged in therapy. He got tired of the stretches and tried to crawl away into another patient's therapy space. He is making small progress. its hard to tell how much is progress and how much its me trying to be optimistic. he moved his knee on the right leg, kicking out his leg a bit. It sorta looked like he did the same from his left leg, the weaker side, but again, both the therapist and I wasn't sure it really happened. Sometimes, Felipe in his gusto to get things done will actually take his hand, pick up his knee and keep it moving. Makes me crack up but our little cheater needs to be forced to use the less dormant muscles, despite his insistence on using his more dominant ones. More therapy scheduled for tomorrow, his Abuelita is taking him since I will be away for the weekend. I feel like I will be missing out. One of the blessings of this whole situation is that, while I was working, my babysitter saw all the "firsts" First real sit up, first real crawl across the carpet, etc. Felipe had to relearn it all. So while we were in the rehab center, I got to see the "firsts" all over again. nothing beats that feeling of seeing his first rolling over again, or crawling. I feel blessed to be able to be around for it all. At the same time, its taxing emotionally, spiritually and physically. So I can't wait for some some veggie out time. Just me and the netflix, lol.
In the afternoon, having missed his nap & so he was cranky as ever, Felipe got his AFO- Ankle Foot O (?). Or in my more medically appropriate terminology, "booties". He wasn't really into the booties, mostly bc he wanted to sleep and the guy putting them on wasn't letting him. He has to wear them as much as possible in order to keep his feet flexible. after a week, we will start to bind his feet at night to a dorsi-flex position--a little more than 90 degrees so that his hamstrings can be stretched over night. So far, he fell asleep with them on. Hoping & praying the transition isn't too uncomfi for him
Next things to do: Following up with neurosurgeon's staff regarding post operative MRI for his back surgery. Or whether that gets scheduled after his kidney surgery. Also need to find a pediatric orthopedic to do the follow up regarding the booties. One possibility is that they can inject botox in his muscles if the stiffness gets really bad. I rather it doesn't get to that point. And lastly, gotta get this boy some shoes! I've always had him in socks since shoes didn't stay put bc his foot was arched. Now we get to go shoe shopping. I've already vetoed my husband's request for Air Jordans...smh.
Why no Jordans? that was my first vote too. Second vote is for Adidas to match his track suit. Although I think whatever they are, they should be hightops!