Thursday, 26 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

I've been delinquent about updating the page, sorry guys, here's a summary of events:

12/19:  Felipe was being held longer than anticipated bc he wouldn't drink or eat anything.  however by 9pm, he started to drink 4 more oz of formula.  His complete appetite wasn't back yet but at least it let us go home.  Why rush home?! you might ask, he just had major surgery?!  He was healthy aside from being a little achy and wanting to sleep, he didn't require any additional medical monitoring.  Also he was in a room w 3 other patients, we didn't want to expose him longer to something else.  We left by 10pm and got home very tired.

12/20: Felipe's sleep schedule was turned upside down. We were able to get the medication very late last night, thank god for Walgreen pharmacy hours.  He was released with 7 days of antibiotics, as needed for pain medication and medication for cramping.  The urologist explained, that now that there is no obstruction, at times the bladder can start cramping more.  He was given the medication in the hospital on a routine but we were asked to wean him off it.  Apparently Felipe agreed, he vomited the morning dose.  Giving medication w a dropper is tricky.  You squirt too quickly and it triggers his gag reflex.  Felipe isn't the most cooperative and doesn't understand its good for him and so its like wrestling him down to do something and then trying to be gentle w the dropper.  So far, he looks ready to go.  just sitting with us and taking small crawls on the rug.

12/21: Felipe is almost complete back to normal.  He crawled all around our apartment looking to play peek-a-boo.  his sleep schedule is still off.  He went to sleep at 1am! I can't hang with that!  Then he got up at 11am.  Glad he slept but we gotta get back to the old schedule, I can't keep my eyes open past 11pm!

12/22: Felipe gaining back his speed and appetite.  We've been trying to give him yogurt to combat the effects of the antibiotics. So far 3 spoonfuls is all he will tolerate, no matter how fascinating Herminio tries to make each spoonful.  We've stopped the cramping/spasm medication and are closely monitoring his diapers.  If too little wet diapers we'll have a problem.  But so far, praise the lord, he is doing well and managing it all.  No painkillers since Friday morning!  He seems like he wants to eat a steak.  I've been him cereal and other mushy stuff in the hopes to ease him to recuperate but its clear he wants more solid food.

12/23:  Officially Felipe is cleared for all physical therapy except for stretching that involves twisting the torso.  Again, he has a stent in between his kidney and the bladder so that the UPJ can be reconstructed.  that stent will be removed 1/22, the last, hopefully, sedated procedure.

12/24: Merry Christmas!!  Eve...I guess depends when you celebrate it, but as most Latino families I know, today is the day of the celebration and tomorrow is the day to recover from the lack of sleep.  We are heading to Abuelita Blanca's house.  Felipe is excited to people watch and crawl for an audience.

12/25:  Merry Christmas!! Felipe had some nice presents, very thoughtful toys from Tio Danny and Tia Nancy.  He got a rolling ball that rolls away from him (and signs and lights up) as he crawls.  Very good to encournage him in trying to re-strengthen his legs.  They also gave him a soft little monkey that plays music.  He went to sleep with it.  too cute.  Abuelita Blanca got him a nice outfit with a cute hoodie.  Abuelita Luz Elsa got him a wonderful snowsuit that will help us get through this cold winter! Brr! We have been rushing around we didn't get him a gift!  thankfully we have been blessed w a great family who provides where we have forgotten

12/26:  I felt hopeless and totally adrift when I couldn't find his braces for 3 hours.  I had not put them on him yesterday, to give him a little break.  And in the moment of not finding them, ran to the car, drove to all my prior locations and searched everyone's home.  no luck.  Got home dejected.  Herminio w more faith than I, went to speak with the shops along the avenue where we live.  Thank goodness!  God's favor was really with us.  He found the sneakers and the splints at the corner grocery store.  A worker had found them on the street and after holding on to them for a day, figured they might be trash and was putting them in the bag when Herminio walked through the door.  God's work.  We didn't find the presents that were in the same bag, but let the gifts be a blessing for whom ever took them, we have the braces!

EI called and said they didn't have consents or medical clearance, despite sending a copy on 12/19.  I resent a fax.  They have received it, so from here on in, EI in the home, starting 12/30.  Praying that the service provider will provide Felipe with extraordinary care that will help him recover quickly.

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