Felipe was in Blythedale Rehab Center from 10/14 til 11/7. The following are photos from there. Unfortunately I couldn't capture the cutest things, which was his school. In BCH, he had school from about 8-11. He was one of several children who would sit in a circle w a "teacher" and work on some of his overall physical and occupational therapy goals. It was very humbling experience bc he was there, working on sitting up and the other children who were hooked up to vents and other machines were working on opening their eyes, making eye contact or just lifting their heads. During school Felipe would try to go from needed support to sitting up on his own. Now he is doing it on his own, with occasionally falling from siting position once a day.

A visit from my Titi Ivi, he missed her so much, he just stayed cuddled with her. On his back was his bandage that the nurses and I kept trying to reinvent bc if he pooped it would get into his incision. So thankful that's over, it was difficult to remove the bandages w Felipe's very sensative skin. |
Felipe was on steroids immediately after the surgery and so he developed abnormally chubby cheeks. but still, a cutie! |
Felipe with Abuelita Blanca, enjoying a nap in the rocking chair. After leaving BCH, we decided a rocking chair was a necessity, it helped calm Felipe and it was calming for us too. Thankfully, Abuelito Herminio gave us the ultimate rocking chair and Felipe is enjoying it! |
Felipe's scared face when the Physician Assistant would walk in the door. Immediately after the surgery, he developed a severe fear of people in white lab coats, strangers and any one who had latex gloves on. Thankfully he is back to his usual friendly self now, but occasionally gets very cautious around medical professionals. |
Felipe is a cheater. There is no other way to say it. I had thought this was his first sign of being able to roll over, but its not. He has learned to use his strengths to circumvent his weak legs and ab muscles. In the hospital he would grab on to the crib bars and rock back and forth until he was able to pull himself to his side. sometimes he would over do it and end on his stomach. not knowing how to undo his position, he was just give into the sleep. eitherway pretty creative, but now, we have to focus on him using the weaker ab muslces. |
After the surgery Felipe didn't feel much on his feet and so didn't really know they were still there. This photo was the best moment, he grabbed his knee and then pulled up his foot and was curious of his toes. eating toe jam but still, a great moment. he knows he has toes and is curious about them. It was a great sign of progress. |
Felipe had so many visitors. This is him sitting up in his crib, curious about another visitor. |
Yes as many suspect, Felipe was naked the majority of the time in the hospital. He ate naked, he only got dressed for school and therapy. He was so messy w food, why make an outfit dirty?! |
Felipe's first day in his loaner specialized stroller. He loved it! he gets to see the world while his Mami pushes him. |
Felipe posing. He makes strollers look good :) |
Felipe visiting the fish tank. It was the place to go when we got cabin fever. |
Speaking about cabin fever, I was trying to give Felipe a mohawk. He ended up looking like Elvis. I was trying to help the time pass...hahaha |
Felipe playing after dinner. Trying to keep him entertained was exhausting. |
Felipe happy to see his big bro Alex. Yummy. |
Felipe eating an orange, making a mess. |
Tio David and his family visited and left him a balloon providing hours of entertainment. |
The shirt reads "my first halloween" unfortuantely after several photos this is the closest I got to showing off his shirt from his Auntie Yasmin. Halloween 2013 |
Halloween 2013: Abuelito Armando brought him a monkey suit. |
Halloween 2013: Felipe didn't want to wear it |
Halloween 2013: Felipe rejects it, costume not approved. | LOL |
I guess he is more of a Lion than a Monkey...