My friend from high school was in town (she lives now in ATL) and we set up a little play date between her sons 7 and 2.5, and Felipe. I made sure that Felipe napped and was well fed so that he could be in his best mood! Felipe, due in large part to his schedule doesn't get to hang out with children. We are usually running around from appointment to appointment. I signed up to in the hopes to find a play group for him so he can socialize with other kids.
As to be expected, Felipe was shy and clung to me once we walked into the apartment. He later became curious of her oldest, following him around and just starting at him. And when the 2 1/2 woke up from his nap, Felipe was chasing him around. There were some attempts to catch him but it looked liked he was trying to hit him. He doesn't know yet his own strength or even sense of pain he causes when he hits people. I had to separate him out a couple of times but overall the visit when well and the boys seemed to have fun together.
After seeing him get adjusted to the new environment and having fun with the boys, I am more determined to find a play group. It might even have to be a "working parents" group....I hope they don't find out, I'm not working!!!! Looking at Felipe meet new kids and slowly warm up to them, I realize that I'm staying away from playgroups in large part bc the nervousness I feel about meeting new people. Especially parents! I can make friends, maintain them and love the ones I have now, I get nervous meeting new people. Felipe was acting age appropriate, being tentative, observing and then jumping right in to play with them. I'm glad that he showed that boldness and confidence. Parents are particularly unnerving bc there are some can compare your kid to theirs, make things into a competition, and give unsolicited advice. With my friends who are parents, I know them well and I know they intent that I and Felipe are happy and healthy. And they are all aware of my schedule so there is an added level of compassion. In the end, its up to me to keep other people's commends in perspective and my own REACTION in check. So, creating a new search for playgroups immediately. (definitely after Monday)
Friday August 1, we have another busy schedule lined up. We have to move the car on the alternative side parking, drive to the gym for his therapy. Pick up laundry on the way back and stop at the store to pick up some fresh herbs and onions for soup. Get back and wait for the physical therapist that comes to the home. He took 2 days off for religious holiday and now he makes up the time on Friday. Yesterday, Felipe cried throughout the whole session. It was a workout for him. Felipe was covered in sweat after it!! The PT had asked me to purchase high top boots. A tall order in the middle of summer, but I was able to find a pair. He was able to stretch and place his foot in the boot, without the braces and have him take several steps. EXCITING!!!! I'm hoping to capture his few steps today in his boots during PT.
Off to get Felipe ready for the day....
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