Special Instructor (SI) is a very sweet and caring woman who has been working with children for over 30 years. She is has two masters and a PHD in the area of special education. Her role is to help Felipe learn how to play, expand his attention span, and help with his behavioral problems. I will be pleased when he doesn't treat me like his personal chew toy. The first session, she reviewed the importance of getting toys that require multiple steps, like pop up toys. It will keep him engaged and it will require him to take the time to figure out the steps and repeat the actions. Felipe had fun. I'm not sure what the long term outcome will be, but I'm willing to try!
Speech Therapist has also been working with kids for a long time. She speaks pretty fast and has a lot of intonation in her voice. Felipe has been saying some words, like car. He points to every moving object and says Car. The ST says to say, yes a "car", yea, its a truck" to reinforce that I heard him say car, and then teach him the appropriate word. He calls balls and grapes that same, "ba" So she said, to say, "ba? yes Grapes GRRRR APES." She said to avoid conversations, keeping sentences short and repetitive. She had a luggage full of toys, I gotta admit, I'm not sure who was more curious about her toys Felipe or me! She had a mic and she would say a word and pass the mic to Felipe. He was shy at first, but he tried once or twice to mimic the words she was saying. She also suggested to place two items in front of him and help him make a "pointer finger" to indicate which one he wants. Then repeat the item that he selected. The idea is that he practice pointing at objects when he wants them. Right now he points in a general vicinity but its largely guessing on my part to find out what he means. He enjoyed playing with her and the 30 minute session flew by!
So exercises to do on our own this week:
1. Find toys that require multiple steps, easy puzzles and a mic
2. Reinforce words that Felipe has begun to use for general items, "ba-ball-grapes" etc.
3. Sing with gestures Twinkle twinkle little star while in high chair during meals.
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